One out of every six bills introduced in 2023 punishes Alabamians.
Learn why.
Our team observed 267 parole hearings - here’s what we learned.
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2023 Statehouse To Prison Pipeline Report
One out of every six bills the State Legislature introduced in 2023 punish Alabamians and fuel our humanitarian prison crisis.

Parole Watch Report
This summer, the ACLU of Alabama observed 267 parole hearings in Alabama. Here’s what we learned about parole in our state.

2022 Statehouse-To-Prison Pipeline
The ACLU of Alabama's second edition of its Statehouse-to-Prison Pipeline report demonstrates how the Alabama Legislature’s continued investment in the carceral state has dire consequences for all Alabamians.

Video: Inside Alabama’s Parole Hearing Process
Alabama is one of the only states in which parole candidates are not allowed to attend their own hearings.

Report: Parole Denied
Since 2019, Alabama's parole board has overseen the largest denial of parole grants in state history.

2021 Marks Deadliest Year For Alabama Prisons
Despite the DOJ lawsuit filed against the Alabama Department of Corrections one year ago, people incarcerated in Alabama prisons died from violence and drugs in record numbers this year.

Alabama Paroles Reach Historic Lows During Pandemic
Data analysis on prison releases from the Alabama Department of Corrections (ADOC) reveals a sharp decline in releases on parole during the COVID-19, despite the state’s unconstitutional prison overcrowding and risk of infection/death.

2021 Statehouse-To-Prison Pipeline
In this publication, the first Alabama Statehouse to Prison Pipeline report, we present and examine a record of legislation that creates new criminal penalties and/or enhances current penalties.

Report: Alabama Pardons - Civil Rights Denied
A recent review of data from the Alabama Bureau of Pardons and Paroles reveals a precipitous drop in pardon grants under the current 3-member parole board.

Report: Grim Outlook For Parole-Eligible People In Alabama Prisons
Internal documents from Alabama’s Bureau of Pardons and Paroles paint a picture of internal strife and a parole board that blatantly ignores its own guidelines.

Report: Alabama’s Habitual Offender Law
In 2020, more than 500 people are serving life without parole under Alabama’s draconian “Habitual Felony Offender Act” or HFOA.